Unterschied Artikel Seiten:
Picture Mediathek:
Picture size: (so werden sie dargestellt)
150 x 150 (klein)
330 x 216 (mittel)
901 x 590 (groß)
Step by step: (insert gallery)
go to gallery (left menü)
Add Gallery/Images
Add new gallery
Choose (new) gallery
select and upload images
if you want to rename pictures go to manage gallery, select the gallery and write your text to the pictures
go to Pages
add new page
write a title (for example “soft solutions”)
be sure, that “visual” mode in editor is activated
klick button “add nextGen gallery – button (top-right in the editor window)
gallery – Select or enter gallery (name in the list)
click “slideshow”
click “insert” button
click “publish”-button